5/23/24 – New Direction?

For those of you that still might check in on my Meanderings now and again, you know I spent almost 5 years working on a theological thought of the day by addressing a random verse from the Bible. I learned a lot from those theological attempts to address God’s Word as it seemed to me. I know this form of devotional time is not right for everyone, or maybe even a few of us. So, I am thinking a new way of communicating God’s desire to know you might be due. Would you consider submitting your question(s) regarding what you are wondering about God, His Plan, or how you fit into it? I could then tackle your question with a response that might help you in your search…at the very least, it may give you a reason to argue and search on your own! If you ask a question I work on an answer, your identity will not be revealed, but your question will appear exactly as you send it. I will answer that question as I feel led, and reference some Scripture I feel is relevant to the way I answer that question.

If this concept finds some interested enough to make it a somewhat regular communication, we will embark on this new project together.

God has taught me one thing in all this – we are meant to be individuals. We think as individuals, we understand as individuals, we learn as individuals, and most importantly – we experience God as individuals. This is exactly what God intended when He made us each unique. We come to realize there is a God, that He loves us, and that He wants us in relationship with Him as individuals – and in our own time and way. What is right for me may never gain your interest or allow you to experience God as He intended YOU to experience Him and relationship with Him.

I look forward to whatever new direction DAD plans to send me on, and I know He will provide some form of continuing relationship at the right time….and, I hope we can gain insight together. Just submit your question as a comment to this message.

Published by Dr. Hideplank

I am just like you...I am searching for the true path to an eternal love relationship with my DAD, the Abba side of God the Father. I am simply searching, thinking, and ruminating on thoughts to clarify what I believe, and what I want to do with what I believe.

One thought on “5/23/24 – New Direction?

  1. Dr. H., this is a great idea! At our men’s meeting recently our pastor asked us this two-part question: “What is the cause of the decline in Christianity in America, and what are we to do about it?” We had a very lively discussion (the meeting ran overtime!), but we came to no clear consensus in response to either part of the question. I look forward to your response. Blessings, J.


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