6/16/24 – Dwindling Discipleship?

Question: “What is the cause of the decline in Christianity in America, and what are we to do about it?”   ——–While you might find this question to be a two-parter, it is actually a three-part question, as we must determine if there is actually a decline in ‘Christianity’ in America, or is it more aContinue reading “6/16/24 – Dwindling Discipleship?”

5/23/24 – New Direction?

For those of you that still might check in on my Meanderings now and again, you know I spent almost 5 years working on a theological thought of the day by addressing a random verse from the Bible. I learned a lot from those theological attempts to address God’s Word as it seemed to me.Continue reading “5/23/24 – New Direction?”

1/26/24 – Holy “Word”-iness

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. ——- Much has been assumed and theorized over time about what was meant by John as he quoted this statement, and it is clearly meant to tie Jesus to God the Father in some way, asContinue reading “1/26/24 – Holy “Word”-iness”

7/7/21 – Fruitful Marketing

Hebrews 13:15 Therefore by him then let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips giving thanks to his name. ——– I find myself continually awed at the absolute number of times Scripture comes around to really be pressing us to be in love relationships.  This chapter ofContinue reading “7/7/21 – Fruitful Marketing”

2 Corinthians 5:7

For we live by faith, not by sight. ——- If there was ever a redundant verse, then this might just be it.  For, what is faith? To be perfectly honest, the reverse of the matter is basically true.  Generally, man absolutely lives by sight. We are temporal beings. We must see, we must feel, weContinue reading “2 Corinthians 5:7”

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